Zagreb vjenčanje |Ovaj zaljubljen i simpatičan par upoznali smo nakon kratkog dopisivanja e-mailom. Njihova želja bila je da im napravimo nekoliko fotografija u centru samog Zagreba i obližnjim gradskim ulicama. Tijekom dva sata, koliko je snimanje trajalo, uspjeli smo se dobro upoznati, pričati o svačemu, popiti piće i nasmijati se do suza. Njihovo vjenčanje bilo je nakon snimanja s nama. Veoma nam je žao što nismo mogli tome prisustvovati, no svi znaju kako se kaže – tko prvi, njegova djevojka.
Kasnije smo doznali da je zabava bila sjajna te da su ih na iznenađenje svih, pa i samih mladenaca, nakon koncerta posjetili Tomislav Bralić i klapa Intrade – ondje su ih doveli Višnja i Zdravko Pevec. Jedino što im na to možemo reći jest svaka čast! Da ne izostavimo tu informaciju – vjenčanje je održano u Bjelovaru.
Vratimo se sada fotografijama koje su, uz video, jedino što ostaje nakon svih ceremonija, organizacija, užurbanosti i ostalih slatkih vjenčanih muka. Naravno, ostaje u ljubav, zbog koje se to sve i dogodilo.
Neka vas fotografije odvedu k njima…
This is lovely and charming couple we met after a short email correspondence. Their desire was to make with us a few photos in the very center of Zagreb and the surrounding streets. During two hours of filmin, we managed to get to know each other, talk about everything, have a drink and laugh until we cried.
Their wedding was after shooting with us. We are very sorry for not attending it, but everyone knows what they say – first come, first served.
Later we found out that the party was great and they were after the show visited by Tomislav Bralić and klapa – to surprise of everyone, including the bride and groom . The idea originally came from Višnja and Zdravko Pevec. The only thing that we can say to them is congratulations! Do not forget that information – the wedding was held in Bjelovar.
Now back to the photos, along with video, the only thing that remains after all the ceremonies, organization, bustle and other sweet wedded torment. Of course, there is always love, because of love all of that happened.
Let the photos take you to them …
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