Wedding on bicycle

Wedding on bicycles

Wedding Video

Wedding on bicycles | When we think of a romantic wedding, pictures that keep showing in our heads are something like this – white dress, nice suit, lots of flowers (and rice, for a good luck!), slow music, kisses and a fairy atmosphere. None of us actually think of – a bicycle!

Sounds strange? Yes, putting ‘wedding’ and ‘bicycle’ in the same sentence may seem like a science fiction, but after hearing this love story, you will certainly change your opinion.

Iva & Mario – on the Road again from OneDayStudio – Croatia Weddings on Vimeo.

Mario Hohnjec is a recreational bicycler and also owns the best bicycle shop and service in Zagreb. He married his long term girlfriend Iva, who is, oh, what a nice coincidence, also lover of bicycles! You know how it usually goes – we must have many photographs and a DVD from the wedding, to be able to show it to kids and grandchildren. So, Mario and Iva wanted a short movie that expresses their love for one another and also for cycling.

Here comes the third part and that would be creative team from One Day Studio who made fantastic video ‘Iva & Mario – on the road again’. The story follows Mario who comes to the church on his bike, marries Iva and then, after the wedding, they both take very romantic ride through the city. Maybe people would thought it is impossible to ride a bike in the wedding dress, but Iva is very skilled cycler and watching at her on the bike in the long dress makes you think anybody could do the same.

In the short movie you will also discover many other secrets that only cyclers know – you can kiss whiles riding a bike, you can clap your newbie husband’s buttocks while riding a bike and you can certainly have – wedding on bicycle!

OK, now we know you must be sorry not to think of this wonderful two wheels wedding by yourself, but do not be sad. One Day Studio team have many other ideas for all cyclers in love and lovers of cycling! 🙂

Wedding on bicycle

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