Wedding  Vows

Wedding Vows

Wedding vows | One of the most important moments of every wedding, beside saying ‘yes’ and ‘I pronounce you husband and wife’ is certainly wedding vows. It is the moment when a couple, soon to be married, promise to each other what they will...
Wedding on bicycles

Wedding on bicycles

Wedding on bicycles | When we think of a romantic wedding, pictures that keep showing in our heads are something like this – white dress, nice suit, lots of flowers (and rice, for a good luck!), slow music, kisses and a fairy atmosphere. None of us actually think of –...
Wedding in Slovenia

Wedding in Slovenia

Wedding in Slovenia | We recently spent a wonderful day at the wedding in Slovenia. The bride and the groom were very relaxed, calm with love bursting out of them. Although the day was shrouded in clouds and rain, that only made it even more special and unique. And...
Indian Wedding

Indian Wedding

Indian Dream Wedding|Ovo je teaser za jedno zanimljivo vjenčanje koje smo nedavno snimili. Mladenci su Marija i Prakash. Kako su se upoznali neka ostane tajna – ili ih sami pitajte. Vjenčanje je bilo kombinacija hrvatskih i indijskih običaja, upotpunjeno...