Black and White Wedding
„When you photograph people in color,you photograph their clothes.
But when you photograph people in Black and white, you photograph their souls!”
Ted Grant
Budući da je crno-bijela fotografija toliko neodoljiva, u ovom postu predstavljamo vam vjenčanje prikazano u te dvije boje i nekoliko njihovih nijansi.
Crno bijela fotografija je magična, sadrži nešto neobično i veoma snažno. S obzirom da ste ovdje da gledate fotografije, a ne da čitate, uživajte u crno bijelim fotografijama ljubavne priče Lane i Danijela – preslatkom paru koji je svoje sudbonosno “da” rekao u crkvi, a zatim to proslavili u restoranu Time, u glavnom gradu Zagrebu.
Since the black-and-white photos are so irresistible, in this post we present you a wedding shown in the two ‘colors’ and a few of their shades.
Black and white photography is magical, it contains something unusual and very powerful. Since you are here to look at photos, not to read, enjoy the black and white photographs of the love story of Lana and Danijel – very sweet couple who said their fateful “yes,” in the church and then celebrated it in the restaurant Time, in the capital city of Croatia – Zagreb.
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