Indian Dream Wedding|Ovo je teaser za jedno zanimljivo vjenčanje koje smo nedavno snimili. Mladenci su Marija i Prakash. Kako su se upoznali neka ostane tajna – ili ih sami pitajte.
Vjenčanje je bilo kombinacija hrvatskih i indijskih običaja, upotpunjeno hrvatskim bendom koji je svirao cijelu noć i indijskim plesačicama koje su svojim egzotičnim plesom zabavljale sve prisutne. Ovo je bio primjer pravog multikulturalnog vjenčanja kao što se može vidjeti iz priloženog. Svečana večera održana je u hotelu Esplanada u Zagrebu, Hrvatska. This is a teaser for an interesting wedding that we recently recorded. Newlyweds are Mary and Prakash. How they met shall remain secret – or ask them yourself.
The wedding was a combination of Croatian and Indian traditions, completed with Croatian band that played all night and Indian dancers whos exotic dancing entertained all present. This was an example of a true multicultural wedding as you can see in the video.
Gala Dinner was held at the Hotel Esplanade in Zagreb, Croatia.
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Indian Dream-Wedding from on Vimeo.
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